Monday, August 13

The Fantastic Jessica Alba

Though Jessica Alba’s rockin’ bod has played a prominent role in many of her past acting gigs (just think of the sultry striptease she performed in Sin City and the skin-tight bodysuit she sported in the Fantastic Four series), the 26-year-old actress is hell-bent on expanding beyond sex-symbol typecasting. “I’ve been told, ‘Wearing bikinis is what you’re known for.’ It would be nice if people didn’t know me for that, and they knew me as an actor,” says Jessica, between bites of hummus and a green salad at a low-key lunch spot in Beverly Hills, California, where her Cosmo interview is taking place. “I think the biggest thing is not to get stuck in a pattern and to be always changing and growing.” If her diverse lineup of upcoming movie roles is any indication, she’s well on her way to being taken seriously...well, sort of. In this month’s flick Good Luck Chuck, Jessica tackles full-on physical comedy for the first time as a klutzy penguin specialist being pursued by Dane Cook (a comic-turned-actor in real life). “I play the biggest dork ever,” Jessica says. “I’ve wanted to do comedy my whole career, and Dane really encouraged me just to make an ass of myself.” As it turns out, Jessica is surprisingly far more goofy than glamorous in real life too. “My character is pretty similar to who I really am. I’ve fractured three bones and broken four ribs. All of it has just been dumb mistakes.” But Jessica hasn’t totally abandoned her sexy side (as if she could!)... (Source:

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